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About Us

Vitus Technology is a unique company that offers complete and competitive integrity solutions for the oil and gas industry. We have built a dynamic team of experts to assist companies of all sizes with a comprehensive approach to the maintenance and management of their pipelines and pressure equipment.

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NDE / Corrosion Surveys

Ultrasonic Corrosion Surveys On-Stream Inspection

Vitus Technology specializes in performing high quality, efficient and cost effective corrosion surveys on pressure equipment. Corrosion Surveys are performed by experienced and qualified inspectors using our 20/20 mobile database. Visual External Examinations are performed by, or under the supervision of Alberta In-Service Inspectors. All equipment inspected undergoes multiple stages of quality assurance prior to a final assessment being performed. All relevant historical documents (such as MDR's) are gathered to complete the file and remain within our 20/20 database for future reference.

Non-Destructive Testing

Vitus Technology can provide Ultrasonic Examination,Magnetic Particle Examination, Liquid Penetrant Examination and Magnetic Flux Leakage (Tank Floor Scanning) for facility turnarounds and examinations of equipment repairs. All NDT services are performed by experienced and qualified technicians and most technicians are dual certified in NDE and API/PESL certifications.