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Field Managmenet

Field Core System

The new 20/20 System employs the use of laptops and tablets in the field along with the powerful features of the 20/20 database. This means the field inspector has access to existing client data and must record and/or update all static and inspection data onto the laptop while on site. The 20/20 database has strict protocols built in to ensure the highest level of data accuracy. These protocols also ensure full compliance to the inspection requirements and customer procedures.


Vitus Technology has determined that conventional methods of field data and inspection data collection do not have proper checks and balances and therefore poor quality is inherent. In order to provide a viable and efficient solution to this problem, the new 20/20 System was developed to ensure control of data and technical quality. This gives the customer a high level of confidence in all aspects of the project.


For each record type, the data is checked by 20/20 to ensure proper data was entered for the fields required. 20/20 not only looks for holes in the data but checks for common mistakes. The inspector is not able to save the record until these issues are resolved for each record while still on site. For surveys in which previous data has been received from the customer, the data is loaded into 20/20 and used on-site. The data is considered level 1 data and can be corrected in the field by the inspector or the data can be locked and unchangeable depending on the customers requirements. Over time, through Subsequent inspections and MDR/U1A updates, the data quality level is increased.


20/20 not only checks the data quality it also checks the technical quality entered during the inspection. The technical quality is based around the customers set defaults, flagging criteria and industry standards.
Some examples for ultrasonic technical quality checks within 20/20 are (but not limited to):
- UT readings compared to Tmin (both below and customer set percentage above).
- High short/long term corrosion rates.
- Significant differences between min and average UT readings.
- Possible errors in previous UT readings.
- Comparison to nominal/corrosion allowance as well as Tmin
The above are some examples that would initiate an "Inspection Investigation Report"(IIR).
The IIR is triggered by the customer procedure. Examples of possible IIR requirements:
- UT Equipment Calibration verification (recorded and reported on IIR).
- Customer may want additional TML's, grids or full scans for certain IIR triggers.
- Additional photo's and investigation techniques may be employed based on the
customer procedure.
The original data that triggered the investigation is retained and the IIR is an additional report saved with the inspection record. IIR's are used for all types of inspections (above was example of UT-IIR).


The customer decides on the actual field procedures used by the inspectors and those procedures build the necessary work flow for the inspectors to use within 20/20. These procedures are loaded into the work order which is the driving force of the project requirements. The procedure includes how to perform the field work as well as what defaults should be used and how to trigger an IIR (inspection investigation report). 20/20 will not allow the inspectors to deviate from the work order or procedure without prior approval. This gives the customer full confidence that the field work is performed as required.


20/20 utilizes a work order system which is the driving force of the project. When previous inspection and equipment data is available the data is loaded into the work order. The scope of work is generated for each location (LSD) and the tasks required for each piece of equipment is identified. The inspector is not able to leave the location until all tasks have been completed. When equipment is missing on site or additional equipment is found then the work order screen will initiate a "pending material transfer". Verification of non-closed NCR's, CAR's, or other deficiencies are automatically included in the work order for those specific locations. The inspectors must validate the issues while still on site.


A huge advantage to the 20/20 System is that reporting time is greatly decreased since the data entry and data/technical issues have been completed in the field by the inspector. The 20/20 data is synchronized with the main Database upon connection to the internet. All that remains is the addition of MDR/U1A data updates and survey drawings/photo uploads. However, if this information already exists in the main database then the reporting time is even less. NOTE - Preliminary reports are available once the 20/20 has been synchronized from the field which is typically on a weekly basis.