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About Us

Vitus Technology is a unique company that offers complete and competitive integrity solutions for the oil and gas industry. We have built a dynamic team of experts to assist companies of all sizes with a comprehensive approach to the maintenance and management of their pipelines and pressure equipment.

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Pressure Equipment & Pipeline Integrity Managment Services

What We Offer

Chief Inspector Services

Vitus Technology can assume the role of Chief Inspector and provide complete Pressure Equipment and Pipeline Integrity Management services.

Integrity Management

Vitus Technology institutes an Integrity Management system that ensures that all pressure equipment and piping systems are installed, repaired and periodically inspected in accordance with provincial regulations.

Ultrasonic Corrosion Surveys
On-Stream Inspection

Vitus Technology specializes in performing high quality, efficient and cost effective corrosion surveys on pressure equipment. Corrosion Surveys are performed by experienced and qualified inspectors using our 20/20 mobile database.

Pipeline Managment

System assessments, regulatory services, corrosion mitigation, discontinuation abandoment procedures, cathodic protection evaluation.

Tank Management

Full storage tank integrity services for facility turnarounds. We have experienced API inspectors to perform Visual Internal and External Examination, Magnetic Flux Leakage (Tank Floor Scan) along with Ultrasonic Testing in order to provide an accurate assessment.  If required, we will perform basic repairs to any areas of damaged coating.

Data Management

Dynamic online asset integrity database that provides the user with all the features they need to ensure that their pressure equipment integrity management system is operating accurately and efficiently.

Our Work


All Vitus Technology personnel are fully trained in all the appropriate safety courses. All personnel were involved in the development and implementation of the safety manual, job procedures and safe work practices. Through personnel input and communication we have found that this fosters a better safety attitude throughout our organization.


Interested in joining our team for a challenging but rewarding job? Please contact our team.