Vitus Technology Corp. ©


Some examples for ultrasonic technical quality checks within Field-Core are
(but not  limited to):

- UT readings compared to Tmin (both below and customer set percentage above).
- High short/long term corrosion rates.
- Significant differences between min and average UT readings.
- Possible errors in previous UT readings.
- Comparison to nominal/corrosion allowance as well as Tmin

The above are some examples that would initiate an "Inspection Investigation Report"(IIR).

The IIR is triggered by the customer procedure.  Examples of possible IIR requirements:
- UT Equipment Calibration verification (recorded and reported on IIR).
- Customer may want additional TML's, grids or full scans for certain IIR triggers.
- Additional photo's and investigation techniques may be employed based on the
customer procedure.

The original data that triggered the investigation is retained and the IIR is an additional
report saved with the inspection record. IIR's are used for all types of inspections
(above was example of UT-IIR).
Field-Core not only checks the data quality it also checks the technical quality entered
during the inspection. The technical quality is based around the customers set defaults,
flagging criteria and industry standards.